


What is ISO Standard Cylinder

Update:30 Sep 2022

ISO Standards, which have been created by the Internati […]

ISO Standards, which have been created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ensure that products and processes meet high standards of quality, safety and efficiency. These standards help businesses increase their productivity, minimise errors and waste, support international trade and protect consumers. Products that are ISO certified meet minimum international standards and are a valuable investment.

When purchasing gas cylinders, be sure to check the threads of the cylinders. Some cylinders, like the ones used for diving and industrial uses, use different threads. This helps prevent misuse of gas. For example, a hydrogen cylinder will not fit a standard oxygen regulator, which can be disastrous. In addition, different fittings use left-hand and right-hand threads. Typically, the latter can be identified by notches and grooves on the threads.

ISO TC131, an international committee that deals with fluid power, has a working group for cylinder standards. In the UK, this committee appoints cylinder testers and makes recommendations to the Vehicle Certification Agency. Independent testing agencies place additional requirements on cylinder design and performance. One example of this is the NTEP test.


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